The Great Big School Clean Up

Hooray it’s spring! Thank you to so many of you who are volunteering to litter pick during Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean.

Nicholas and Sebastian R have been busy litter picking near RSG. They found old mugs and all sorts of other rubbish, which they carefully sifted through to recycle some items.

Things to remember

If possible, please separate the litter you find into three bags so as much as possible can be recycled:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Aluminium cans
  • General waste

Keep Britain Tidy recommends that you avoid:

  • Potentially hazardous objects such as unidentified cans or canisters, oil drums and chemical containers
  • Sharp objects such as broken glass and disposable BBQs – these should be collected in separate containers not litter bags
  • Clinical waste such as needles/syringes – do not attempt to move them yourself. Make a note of their location and inform your local council
  • Hazardous areas such as deep or fast-flowing water, steep, slippery or unstable banks, sharp rocks, derelict buildings, busy roads and electric fences (which are identified by yellow warning signs)
  • Working alone – try to stay in sight and earshot of others but if not possible then let someone know where you’ve gone and when to expect you back

More information can be found on the Keep Britain Tidy website here.