At Rokeby, relationships are central to our success.
‘…taking into account every boy’s strengths, interests and individual needs when devising their learning plans.’
We are delighted to offer an all-round education to boys from their earliest school days at the age of 4 until the beginning of their teenage years. We work closely with the boys and their parents throughout this formative period. Our approach promotes a profound understanding of each child, enabling us to positively influence their development and young characters, behaviour and achievement. We take the time to learn their strengths, interests, needs and abilities, aiming to enhance their potential while recognising their individuality.
We assist our boys in cultivating strong friendships and effective social skills within a highly supportive community for up to nine years. The all-boys environment contributes significantly to this dynamic. We work with our boys’ inherent strengths and interests whilst also seeking to round their characters and help them navigate the challenges of being a boy in the modern world.
‘Lots of recognition and rewards…’
Older boys can be excellent role models for those younger than themselves, and we maximise their innate skills by providing numerous opportunities to work together, particularly in sports and drama.
At Rokeby, we firmly believe that by offering exceptional teaching and treating each boy as an individual, allowing him to develop but always giving him the impetus to move forward and give of his best, he will flourish. We have found that this leads to excellent outcomes, in terms of high exam results, entry to outstanding senior schools, scholarships and awards and, above all else, rounded characters, capability and confidence as young men with the world at their feet.