‘If we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.’ – Mother Teresa

This week we enjoyed Rokeby’s Multicultural Day, which has been a genuine highlight of the school. The first of its kind, here, it is entirely the gift of the Rokeby Parents’ Circle under the lead of Dr Paracha. We are grateful for the creativity and care as well as massive effort they have put into the day.

We have enjoyed a fabulous Arts Week, after the two tremendous school plays, Science Week and the Allen Cup singing competition. It has been a showcase of talents and a rainbow of experiences for the boys, a true joint effort of the Rokeby community.

Our understanding of community has ceased to be about tribes and strong individuals. Individuals expressing their identity, whatever their heritage or interests, allows for the multifaceted community that we are: belonging and interconnecting, friendly and celebratory. Seeing difference as enriching rather than something to pull away from.

Human beings, at their best, reach out to better the world and to share their discoveries rather than horde them or use them to exploit others. Individuals are applauded for their achievements for the greater good. Peace is created and sustained. We all benefit.

Once upon a time, going to school was seemingly about academic achievement, with a few sporting and arts opportunities on the side. Now, it has matured into a real growth experience, where opportunity meets learning every day; and at Rokeby the boys are challenged to try and to enjoy as well as to give of their best. Watching the impressive adaptation of Alice in Wonderland I was reminded that inside each child’s mind is a whole world. Our task is to surround them with the chance to bring it out to dance in the sunshine.

Sunshine seems in short supply right now, but here’s hoping… Have a very pleasant Easter.

J. R. Peck – Headmaster